أعلان الهيدر

الأربعاء، 30 يناير 2013

PS : the start!

Have a lot of things to say, but the words wont get out of my mouth, maybe because it's hard to publish something that concerned me, but leaving them inside, make things more hurtful.
the most important thing in this life change from persone to other, for me the first time was love, but now  is not about love, but about future the bulding of a big future, that will not come from nothing, hard work shoud be present, also the right choices should be ine the right places, no place to faults, so what i did before and what i am doing now are not the same, and i think that  everyone change his thinking with time. like me, i've completly changed, i love it and i can't be more happy than what i am.
however, some people change that true, but there is who some change from the worst to the best, and others   the reverse, that waht make me confused, what is the problem that make them do that? or what make a persone who is  a good persone in his live and works, to be in few days, bad persone ??
the reponse could be far from the truth, a probleme has two faces, it's  can make you a bad persone or  the contrairy, so it's about the persone education, if he is really intelegent he can get out simply and without any problems, and also the contrairery could happend, so to know what is the real probleme wich make the persone think or find two ways of thinking confused me, and i want to know the right reponse on that.

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